Posts Tagged ‘/boot’

UBUNTU is an os of linux and is freeware as well as open source.

Certain people get problem while installing it.

There are basically two methods for installing it:

1. inside window

2.directly on hard disk

We will briefly discuss about it’s installation .

1.Installing Inside window:Maximum  people use windos os ,so this method is adopted to test linux.

steps to install: 1.switch on your pc and insert the disk. on install inside window

3.a new form will open asking about username, passward,space you want to give and drive in which you want to all apropriate values. basically by default c drive is used,3GB to any value can be given to instalation size.

4.Nearly in 5-7 minutes it will install and and the sys tem will call for reboot.

5. after restarting fil user name and passward and your ubuntu os is ready to use.

for any queries you can contact