Archive for the ‘linux operating system’ Category

Hello buddies,this topic i find a great threat to Ubuntu security,which is assumed to be secured OS.But still sometimes it it mandatory to cope up with securities.

If u forgot your Ubuntu passwd,no need to worry,its can very easily be changed.

U guys just need to know the username.

first of all go  to root shell and click on to recovery mode.

choose drop from the root menu and then type the following commands:

root@(none):/# passwd <username>

Enter new UNIX password:/#                                  (e.g.   passwd john23)

retype new UNIX password:/#                               (e.g.   passwd john23)

U guys have to write the word “passwd” with ur new password.

then u can restart ur system and use the new password by following command:

root@(none):/#reboot -f

hope u can now change your passwordand others too



We have learnt a lot about ubuntu. We know that we can install ubuntu inside windows.

but this time we have done the opposite.  i.e. we installed windows inside Ububtu


lets tell you now. we have done this in Ubuntu 10.4

1. install a package called virtual ose from ubuntu software center.

2. Then open the application,and click the localhost(QUEM) And make sure it is now connected. on the top button as shown (create new virtual machine).

4. give the name to the VM and select the iso image u want to boot in that VM

5. Select the OS type.

6.give the ram memory you want to provide and no. of cpu to “1”

7. click forward and unclick the button allocate entire disk and again click forward.

8. you will now get a new window where you should firstly create the partition by clicking c and then format it.

9. After that start the OS  to boot and your window will start copying files.

10. the last step is after copying all the windows files it will stop. you will again have to click on run button

in this way you can install windows in ubuntu.

enjoy the new experience.



I installed wubi 9.04.1  on my laptop after a fresh windows install. The download goes fine and the windows-side installation goes off without a hitch. On the Ubuntu loadup I get the ubuntu screen for a second then it crashes to a screen that says


and after that move me to


(enter help for built in commands)

I was not able to solve it. So i tried ubuntu forms

there i got a link which gives u a downloadable link…4&postcount=15

Install the file and u will be able to install new linux os

UBUNTU is an os of linux and is freeware as well as open source.

Certain people get problem while installing it.

There are basically two methods for installing it:

1. inside window

2.directly on hard disk

We will briefly discuss about it’s installation .

1.Installing Inside window:Maximum  people use windos os ,so this method is adopted to test linux.

steps to install: 1.switch on your pc and insert the disk. on install inside window

3.a new form will open asking about username, passward,space you want to give and drive in which you want to all apropriate values. basically by default c drive is used,3GB to any value can be given to instalation size.

4.Nearly in 5-7 minutes it will install and and the sys tem will call for reboot.

5. after restarting fil user name and passward and your ubuntu os is ready to use.

for any queries you can contact