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I was suffering from a problem of not able to install jar file on my pc For two days.

Then i got a SOLUTION to the problem..”JARFIX”.

The problem …
The root cause for the problem above is, that a program has stolen the .jar association. If you have installed the Java Runtime Environment the first time, the file type called “jar” is assigned to javaw.exe correctly. “jar” is an abbreviation for “java archive” and javaw.exe is the correct program to execute a .jar. However, on Windows any program can steal a file type at any time even if it is already associated with a program. Many zip/unzip programs prefer to do this, because a jar is stored in the .zip format. If you doubleclick on a .jar, your pack program opens the file, rather than javaw runs the program, because your pack program ignores the meta information which are also stored in a .jar. In the Oracle bug database there is the low-priority report 4912211 “add mechanism to restore hijacked .jar and .jnlp file extensions”, but it has been closed as “Closed, Will Not Fix”.


The workaround …
Reinstall the Java Runtime Environment or fix the Windows Registry manually each time this problem occurs.

The solution …
You can fix this problem very easy with the small but reliable Downloadjarfix.exe program. Just doubleclick on it to restore the .jar association with javaw.exe.  




This is a new series in my blogging content.being an engineering student i have gone through many differenr phases of computers.this question arouse many times in my mind.but this time i think i got something to write.I may be wrong but..

Through the medium of blogging i just wanna find out,where the actual scope of computer engineers rely.
As from the today's scenario,every cse engineer feels the same state of mind as that of an it engineers,
so where the difference lies.Nearly all cse engineers think of there dream job to be in wipro,infosys,
computer science,accenture etc.(in india) but i actually don't think so that it is the right approach.
Its actually not my concern in a contextual way as I think that they are more focused on coding part 
doing outsourcing but my direction is for designing and new development
CSE mainly concerns with the deployment and development of processors and networks such as:
  • improvement in the processing speed
  • improvement in the quality of transmission media
  • growth of internet
all these are the critical aspect of as it a part
so our aproach is ti go for
at this platfrom i just wanna take a breath and wanna all u guys to post the actual things and correct 
about all this(if any)

Hello buddies,this topic i find a great threat to Ubuntu security,which is assumed to be secured OS.But still sometimes it it mandatory to cope up with securities.

If u forgot your Ubuntu passwd,no need to worry,its can very easily be changed.

U guys just need to know the username.

first of all go  to root shell and click on to recovery mode.

choose drop from the root menu and then type the following commands:

root@(none):/# passwd <username>

Enter new UNIX password:/#                                  (e.g.   passwd john23)

retype new UNIX password:/#                               (e.g.   passwd john23)

U guys have to write the word “passwd” with ur new password.

then u can restart ur system and use the new password by following command:

root@(none):/#reboot -f

hope u can now change your passwordand others too


GOOGLE Goggles

Posted: December 15, 2010 in google
Tags: ,

The heading seems to be aberrant, but in actual Google has recently launched this application.

So if you guys are an android user,then this one is for you.Google goggles is a new application developed by Google in which we can search any image on web by just putting that image on the application. This is a new terminology of search developed by Google.




have nice searching.


I have worked on all browsers, and each of them have specific features.

today we are talking about OPERA. It has many good features.

1.opera visiual tabs; make al the tabs which are opened visible simultaneously.

2.opera turbo; helps to speed up the internet when speed is slow.

3.opera mouse gestures; make you browse through mouse only.

4.specific speed dials.

new web

Apart from these features a lot of features have been provided as extensions and add ons.


  • opera FILE INBOX-allow you to share files upto a alrge limit
  • OPERA LOUNGE-allow you to have private chat with your friends


  • MINI FEED-facebook on one click
  • A-Z -translates web into any language

A lot of more features are present which you can experience after downloading it.because it will be a long list if i started listing all of them.

you can download it from

Enjoy a new world of browsing


Posted: September 9, 2010 in Uncategorized

Check out Save Our Tigers | Join the Roar


We have learnt a lot about ubuntu. We know that we can install ubuntu inside windows.

but this time we have done the opposite.  i.e. we installed windows inside Ububtu


lets tell you now. we have done this in Ubuntu 10.4

1. install a package called virtual ose from ubuntu software center.

2. Then open the application,and click the localhost(QUEM) And make sure it is now connected. on the top button as shown (create new virtual machine).

4. give the name to the VM and select the iso image u want to boot in that VM

5. Select the OS type.

6.give the ram memory you want to provide and no. of cpu to “1”

7. click forward and unclick the button allocate entire disk and again click forward.

8. you will now get a new window where you should firstly create the partition by clicking c and then format it.

9. After that start the OS  to boot and your window will start copying files.

10. the last step is after copying all the windows files it will stop. you will again have to click on run button

in this way you can install windows in ubuntu.

enjoy the new experience.




Posted: August 20, 2010 in Uncategorized

BASICALLY we use you tube downloader in windows.But if we want to download vedios in ubuntu it marks a big question????

but this is very easy………..

to download vedio in ubuntu ,u hve to follow few steps:

1. go to you and select the vedio u want to download.

2.wait untill the vedio get full buffered minimise the  browser and go to file system->temp folder .there u will see the vedio.

4. cut and paste it on desktop.

5.the vedio is now all on ur desktop.


Posted: August 20, 2010 in Uncategorized

Tweet button are button which u can add in ur blog to make users follow ur twitter account.
It’s very simple… Go to web address;

tweet button

Enter your Twitter ID , then find a design and press SELECT. A window will pop-up containing your buttons code. Copy this code and past it on your Blog, Web Page or any where and let others follow you. That’s it… enjoy tweeting
