Where the future of CSE is employed???

Posted: May 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

This is a new series in my blogging content.being an engineering student i have gone through many differenr phases of computers.this question arouse many times in my mind.but this time i think i got something to write.I may be wrong but..

Through the medium of blogging i just wanna find out,where the actual scope of computer engineers rely.
As from the today's scenario,every cse engineer feels the same state of mind as that of an it engineers,
so where the difference lies.Nearly all cse engineers think of there dream job to be in wipro,infosys,
computer science,accenture etc.(in india) but i actually don't think so that it is the right approach.
Its actually not my concern in a contextual way as I think that they are more focused on coding part 
doing outsourcing but my direction is for designing and new development
CSE mainly concerns with the deployment and development of processors and networks such as:
  • improvement in the processing speed
  • improvement in the quality of transmission media
  • growth of internet
all these are the critical aspect of as it a part
so our aproach is ti go for
at this platfrom i just wanna take a breath and wanna all u guys to post the actual things and correct 
about all this(if any)

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